Friday, April 29, 2011

New Video From Russ Abbott

If you're friends with us on facebook (which HELLO why aren't you? Get your ass over to Facebook and DO IT!) then earlier today you saw us post a link to who had the exclusive to our new video!

Here at Ink & Dagger we often times fall in love with the tattoos that we do for folks. But once in a blue moon a piece comes along that is simply legendary. This is one of those tattoos.

Last spring, Adam Machin of The Tattoo Company in Machester, UK flew across the pond and got a full sleeve of roosters done by Russ. The crazy Brit sat for a total of TWENTY FOUR HOURS to finish the piece in just THREE days. Below is video of the process from consulatation to finish with a delirious Russ and very sore Adam!

Check it out! Share it with your friends! Hell! Stop random strangers on the street and share it with them!

Russ Abbott's Three Day Sleeve from Ink & Dagger Tattoo on Vimeo.

And for your viewing pleasure a shot of the finished piece: